Guest Blogging

I frequent a local paper's blog section, specifically the blog On The Edge. Kristi, the blog writer, is on vacation for the next couple of weeks because she's GETTING MARRIED! (Congrats Kristi, I'm so happy for you and I hope it all goes according to plan!) She did a call for guest bloggers so the blog doesn't lay dormant for a couple weeks, and last year it was so successful I decided to give it a shot this year!

My first post showed up today (the first day, whoo hoo), and what else was it about? Books!

Check it out here and leave your comments! And keep your eye out for my second guest post which will come up later, I'm not sure when. It's not about books but I'll probably mention when it's up anyway.

In other news, I've finished my 37th book of the year! It was fanfiction though, which I don't really approve of, and I didn't realize that until I started reading it. Oh well, it still counts because I read it anyway. I don't recommend it only because I don't agree with fanfiction, but if you're interested in Harry Potter you can check it out. It's a free download on Goodreads, called James Potter and the Hall of Elders Crossing. It was a good read but I'm not going to be reading the rest of the series.


Review: The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller My rating: 3 of 5 stars OK. I'm going to come at this from the angle that everyone (exc...